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Ritual Workshops




You are about to embark on a very special journey with the moon, The four elements; air, earth, fire and water...and with your own inner magic.


Inside this workshop you will learn how to perform a magical ritual, work with the phases of the moon, create an altar in your sacred space.  You can use this workshop to learn how to manifest your deepest desires and your most precious wishes for love, success and more.  As your knowledge of the Moon grows, so too will your wish to embrace its power. 


Cost includes a set of Moon Crystals.  Crystals and sacred tools will also be available to purchase at the workshop.


Date: Tuesday August 9, 2022 Time: 7-9:30pm

Energy Exchange: $75 (includes handouts Moon Crystal Kit)

Image by Content Pixie


During this workshop you will learn how to develop a keen sense of connection with the crystals. Learn powerful techniques and exercises, including step-by-step instructions for choosing the crystals that are right for you, and cleansing, programming and working with these beautiful stones.


Crystals are here to teach us, and they have incredible gifts and wisdom to share.  Walk away from this workshop feeling a deep sense of connection, balance, grounded, peace and an overall wellbeing.


Cost includes A CRYSTAL KIT.  Crystals will also be available to purchase at the workshop.


Date:  Tuesday Sept. 6   Time: 7-9:30pm

Energy Exchange: $75  (includes a crystal kit)

Altar Creation (guelph)

Creating Sacred Space for Prayer & Meditation

Keeping an altar is a most spiritual and self-empowering practice. An altar is an external representation of our inner world. It’s a manifestation of the spiritual core of who we really are. It’s a sacred space, a temple, a place of honor and devotion to our Highest Self and the powers that work with us.  It’s a place where we go to ground, re-centre our energy and connect to Spirit. It brings us back to our divinity and wholeness as a Soul being; reminding us that we are truly just souls encountering a human experience.


In this webinar we will discuss altars as a focus of energy and  how altars can  be created  in a variety of shapes and sizes, from  the most simplistic to the most extravagant.  You will learn how to set up your altar, where to place your altar, what goes on your altar, while honoring the elements and tools for your altar.  Whether spiritual or magical, learning how adopting this ancient tradition can bring so much magick and  healing benefits in your life. 


Date: Tuesday October 11, 2022  Time: 7-9:30pm

Energy Exchange: $75 (Includes handouts and Altar Items)

Image by Sharon McCutcheon


In this workshop, you will learn the versatility of candle magic including the meaning of different candle colors and which day of the week is best for specific Candle Magic rituals.  Each guest will learn how to carve, anoint, and consecrate their own candle to match their chosen intention.


A manifesting ritual is included to celebrate the new year ahead.


Date: Wednesday Jan. 11, 2023  Time: 7-10:00pm

Energy Exchange: $75 (includes Candle Magick Kit and supplies)

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Crystal Grid Magick

Learn to create a Crystal Grid for manifesting your desires.


Crystal grids are used to transform the energy in a space. You begin with choosing stones that align with your intention and set them up in a symmetrical pattern.  The crystals work to manifest that intention, while the sacred geometry of a grid helps accomplish that intention quickly.


In this 2 hour workshop, you will learn how to create a crystal grid for your specific intention, financial abundance, success in your endeavors, self-love, romantic love, friendship and health.


Cost includes a protection crystal grid kit.  Crystals will also be available to purchase at the workshop.


Date: TBA  Time: 7-9:30pm

Energy Exchange: $100  (includes a protection crystal grid kit)

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